Humane Nation, Inc.
Thank you for choosing to spay or neuter your pet.
Pet overpopulation is a serious problem.
Please spread the word that spaying or neutering your pet: prevents unwanted litters; prevents male dogs from roaming; prevents health problems; helps prevent unwanted behaviors. For more, please watch the attached video below.
And if you let your pet have puppies or kittens - How do you know you will find great homes for all of the dogs or cats born? If you do find homes, that means that all of those people who went to you for their pet did not get a pet from a shelter forcing more pets to be euthanized. So by not letting your pet have a litter, you are could be saving pets in shelters.
Here are some options on where to go to spay or neuter your pet at low cost:
Go to www.animalleague.org/get-involved/spay-usa/ to find a clinic near you (link below)