Humane Nation, Inc.
While living in NYC, Doriane would take her dog Bula to Riverside Park for her morning and evening runs. During one of the worst winters NYC had seen in years, Doriane spotted two dogs running the length of the park. People said that they saw an out of state car pull over on Riverside Drive and throw the dogs out. It wasn't long before people joined forces to catch these two scared dogs. It took at least two weeks to finally catch them. Doriane was the second foster home for the dogs and it became increasingly hard for her to imagine letting them go. The obstacle was to try and convince her ex to let them stay so she started doing some scheming! The Story of Lilly & Lou is based on the actual events but some names and characters were changed as it was written for children.

"The Story of Lilly & Lou is captivating, heartwarming, and instructive. Doriane Lucia has written a story that children (and adults) will adore. At the same time, we all learn to care a bit more because of Lilly & Lou."
Zoe Weil, President,
Institute for Humane Education
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